I am running Transformers on a Mac OS with Python 3.8 in a virtual environment.
I have faiss-cpu 1.7.0 installed in the env.
(venv) sergey_mkrtchyan transformers (master) $ python
Python 3.8.6 (v3.8.6:db455296be, Sep 23 2020, 13:31:39)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
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>>> import faiss
>>> faiss.__version__
However transformers repo is doing an additional check of the version of the package using importlib_metadata in transformers/src/file_utils.py which ends up failing on me with “RagRetriever requires the faiss library but it was not found in your environment.”
_faiss_available = importlib.util.find_spec("faiss") is not None
_faiss_version = importlib_metadata.version("faiss")
logger.debug(f"Successfully imported faiss version {_faiss_version}")
except importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
_faiss_available = False
This is where it fails, mind you _faiss_available = importlib.util.find_spec("faiss") line above works just fine, but fails on the _faiss_version = importlib_metadata.version("faiss") line unable to find the faiss package.
Not sure if it’s an issue in the repo or something wrong on my side. Any experience with this?
I am facing the same issue. No version of the faiss library is being recognized as present in the environment I am running (installed through conda). I did solve this problem before, but I remember it being a pain; I built the library from source but had to deal with many issues along the way.
I was just able to get it to be recognised.
if you are able to import the library ( from terminal start python):
import faiss
take the path;
then in your bashrc file:
nano ~/.bashrc
add this line to the end of the file:
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/faiss
Note that I have changed the home directory to a variable.
save it.
Then finally, set the bashrc file as source again to reload the paths;
source ~/.bashrc
Restart any virtual environment and everything should work fine.
This issue still persists (if you have faiss-gpu installed)
I think it should be updated as:
# We need to check all three `faiss` and `faiss-cpu` and `faiss-gpu`
_faiss_version = importlib.metadata.version("faiss")
logger.debug(f"Successfully imported faiss version {_faiss_version}")
except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
_faiss_version = importlib.metadata.version("faiss-cpu")
logger.debug(f"Successfully imported faiss version {_faiss_version}")
except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
_faiss_version = importlib.metadata.version("faiss-gpu")
logger.debug(f"Successfully imported faiss version {_faiss_version}")
except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
_faiss_available = False