Upgrading to transformers 4.9.1?


I am trying to upgrade to the latest distribution of transformers (4.9.1 according to Release v4.9.1: Patch release · huggingface/transformers · GitHub).

I currently have the version 4.3.3 installed and it works fine. So, I downloaded the 4.9.1 zip file, extracted to a directory, cd to that directory and run python setup.py install.

The install went fine (except for the huggingface-hub requirement at the end — which is blocked by my firewall). However, when I start spyder again the version is still 4.3.3.

Am I doing something wrong to update the package offline (on windows)?

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I was able to upgrade by using pip instead. Weird that the good old python setup.py install would not work in this case.

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I am trying to install transformers 4.9.1.
I currently have 4.48.1.
I tried with pip and with conda but tokenizer version is throwing error.
It is looking for tokenizer 0.11 whereas I have tokenizer 0.21

My env has following package versions:

python 3.10
torch 2.5.1
pytorch-lightning 2.0.3
pytorch-ingnite 0.5.1
tensorboard 2.18

Looks like 4.9.1 is compatible with python 7!!

I will stick with the current version.
Please close this question.
Thanks for your help.

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4.48.1 is the latest version of pip at the moment. 4.9.1 is a version from four years ago. Because 48 is greater than 9.