Using cach_dir throws an error

I’m trying to load the Go Emotions dataset. When I run

from datasets import load_dataset

go_emotions_dataset = load_dataset("go_emotions", trust_remote_code=True)

all seems to work fine. However, when I try to set the cache_dir argument, e.g.:

go_emotions_dataset = load_dataset("go_emotions", trust_remote_code=True, cache_dir='./data/')

I get the following error message (the ‘./data/’ folder does exist!):

FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find file at

However, when I actually look into the cache_dir, then there is something there. It actually downloads at least something, the directory the looks like:

--- downloads
------ 1f201742641ead09e18cf849d7154a72e08b5839b84cb159c73607612618ad24
------ 1f201742641ead09e18cf849d7154a72e08b5839b84cb159c73607612618ad24.json
------ 1f201742641ead09e18cf849d7154a72e08b5839b84cb159c73607612618ad24.lock
--- go_emotions
------ simplified
--------- 0.0.0
------------ 2637cfdd4e64d30249c3ed2150fa2b9d279766bfcd6a809b9f085c61a90d776d_builder.lock
--- data_go_emotions_simplified_0.0.0_2637cfdd4e64d30249c3ed2150fa2b9d279766bfcd6a809b9f085c61a90d776d.lock

I’m sure this code was working in the past, so maybe there’s an issues with the latest version of datasets that would require me to change my code. My the current docs and example still look the same.

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this error with the latest release of datasets.