Using Langchain ChatHuggingface with Text Generation Inference: missing field `inputs`

I deployed Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3 with TGI using the official docker container:

# share a volume with the Docker container to avoid downloading weights every run

docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -e HF_TOKEN=$hf_token -p 8080:80 -v $volume:/data \ --model-id $model --quantize bitsandbytes-nf4

I then created a HuggingFaceEndpoint and was able to interact with the Mistral model:

llm = HuggingFaceEndpoint(
llm.invoke("What is the capital of France?")

Working with the InferenceClient from huggingface_hub or directly via curl or requests works fine.

Then I created a ChatHuggingFace, so that I don’t have to manually add the special tokens, etc.:

llm_engine_hf = ChatHuggingFace(llm=llm, model_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3")   # model_id can't be inferred from the endpoint_url
llm_engine_hf.invoke("Hugging Face is")

This fails because the json dict in the request does not have an inputs field, but a messages field.
The error description in the response is:

'Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: missing field `inputs` at line 1 column 400'

Btw. the actual error message that is output in the console is not that helpful :sweat_smile:

huggingface_hub.utils._errors.HfHubHTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: http://localhost:8080/

What am I missing? Is there some parameter that I have to change when instantiating the HuggingFaceEndpoint/ChatHuggingFace or when deploying the model via TGI? I couldn’t find anything in the official guides.

Okay, the solution was pretty trivial.
I changed the endpoint_url to “http://localhost:8080/v1/chat/completions”.
It now works with messages.

I guess using the official Inference API from Huggingface chooses the correct url for you, but when you self-host you have to manually specify the url like that in order to use the Messages API. Otherwise it uses the “/generate” endpoint, which requires an inputs field.

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