Thank you for sharing such nice model again on this framework.
I am trying to finetune a wav2vec2 model on a custom dataset (so not from the dataset package of huggingface). I have tried to follow these two tutorials :
- Fine-Tune Wav2Vec2 for English ASR in Hugging Face with 🤗 Transformers
Fine-tuning with custom datasets — transformers 4.7.0 documentation
but I did not find how to use multiprocessing when using trainer on a custom dataset ? Should I use dataloader class from torch ? For now I am using the regular Dataset class from torch.
I also encoutered memory issue with the GPU (16 gb) with a base Wav2vec2 model, even with batch size = 1. What is the maximum batch size for a base and large model for 16 gb, and with what length of sample ? (using fp16).
I thank you for the help