Accessing the different materials in ShapeNetCore data

I have downloaded one object from the ShapeNetCore dataset and have printed it out with this line of code.

example = dataset['train'][0] # Access the 1st example in the training set


It gave me the following result:

train: Dataset({
features: [‘image’],
num_rows: 129
{‘image’: <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=110x467 at 0x1BE4F458B50>}

I was wondering how do I access the other things within the one object synset that I had downloaded. Such as its obj file, the texture images, json,mtl,obj,solid.binvox and binvox models and png screenshots files. The only features showing up seems to be [‘image’] does this feature stand for texture image?

Hi! It’s better to ask the dataset’s authors this question via a discussion than here.

Thanks! I’ll do that there!