Loading downloaded dataset from local directory

I have my main.py file which downloads a specific object from ShapeNetCore dataset if the download doesnt exist already in my local specified directory.
The problem that I have is that once I have it downloaded how do I load it from my local directory instead of downloading from huggingface?

dataset_dir = 'downloaded_data'

if os.path.exists(dataset_dir):
    #Load from existing directory
    dataset = load_dataset("ShapeNet/ShapeNetCore", data_dir=dataset_dir)
    print("dataset loaded from local: ", dataset_dir)
    # Download the dataset from hugging face
    dataset = load_dataset("ShapeNet/ShapeNetCore", data_files="02843684.zip", cache_dir=dataset_dir, download_mode="force_redownload")
    print("Dataset downloaded from hugging face and saved to: ", dataset_dir)
# Print information about the downloaded dataset

When the ShapeNetCore Dataset gets downloaded it is saved in this structure:

How should I fill out the arguments of load_dataset when wanting to use the already downloaded dataset?
Thank you