Advices for learning AI, ML, DL

hey guys im new here , i have some questions and appreciated if u can help me.
i want to dive deep into ai, ml, dl i dont know where to start , i have done researches that says before learning those i should be familar to some topics such as
calc, statistics and probability, linear algebra,

1- how much should i know in each topics.
2- can i learn some baisc Ai, Ml without learning those topic first, like train some models manipulate data with it, just baiscs to start out.
3- are these above topics a right way to start learning or there else should i know.
4- which course should i take first, should i first learn some basic ai, ml
or start those above topic above (calc, stat and pron, linear alg)

im also a CS Student finished 2nd year, and i have worked with linear algebra, some calc and stat.