Can somebody explain why I can't seem to use magicanimate

At first I thought it was because my current computer does not like most computer have NIVIDA graphic card. However I tried it on my older computer and it did not fair anybetter.

The code for that space apparently refers to this, which has disappeared from the HF.
Maybe that’s why.
You can fix it by doing this and that manually, or waiting for HF to fix the library and installing the new library.
I haven’t tried it, but the github version may have already fixed it.

Can you inform the creators that the code for hugging space has disappeared, so something can be done about it?

I already told them. Specifically, if you mentions (like below) it to the developer, it will be conveyed. (There is a chance they may miss it.)
Mentions are used as follows.
I may be wrong about who is in charge of what. Or maybe I’m wrong about a lot of things.
You have to remove the space between the @ and the name.

@ victor # HF overall issue
@ sayakpaul  # Diffusers related issues
@ multimodalart # I'm not sure, but someone familiar with Spaces related to image generation AI.

So when do you think they will fix this(I want to make sure that I am talking about the huggingface demo of magicanimate).

Wow. That’s all dead.

I’m a bit busy today, so I’ll take a look later, but if it’s just the from_single_file, you can fix it by incorporating it and restarting when Diffusers is fixed, but in some cases it may be necessary to fix the magicanimate source code as well. (For example, if it explicitly specifies an older version of Diffusers)


I found out that it will never be fixed unless someone fixes it themselves.
In, at a minimum, this is how it needs to be modified here.
Also, there are probably a few other small corrections that need to be made. I’ll try to get to it later if I have time.

snapshot_download(repo_id="runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", local_dir="./stable-diffusion-v1-5")

snapshot_download(repo_id="stable-diffusion-v1-5/stable-diffusion-v1-5", local_dir="./stable-diffusion-v1-5")


Which is copy source of space? I mean, if I know the main maintainer, I can commit to that, but which one?
There are so many spaces, I don’t know.

I’m pissed off about the lack of capacity, but I was able to boot it up.


I’ve modified it to work with CPU space and it works, but I think paid GPU space is required to use it satisfactorily.
Maybe it originally did, but I don’t know the original specs…

I can’t make any animation with my current computer. Not even with the animations provided. However it might work on my older computer as it is probably an issue with my current graphic card.

Oh, you said CPU not GPU. Well it says that I have 100% percent CPU but it is still not working. Thanks for the effort tho.

Correctiong it seems like 100% CPU only shows up when I am trying to make animation.


Hmm? Do you use it locally instead of in a space?
I thought you wanted to repair the space.
If it used to work, I might be able to do something about it.

A brief description of the previous state would be helpful. If I don’t know what it used to look like, it will be extremely difficult to fix it.

No I do not use it locally(at least not for now). I am also not a tech savvy person so I really appreciate you trying to fix this :slight_smile:

I see. I’m just doing this as a hobby, so it’s ok. Anyway, to explain the technical situation, this space was written in a way that it would not work in CPU space. Yesterday, I made it work for now, but I still can’t complete the inference.

If you are talking about whether or not it will work on Zero GPU space, which is not free but cheap GPU space, then it’s not so subtle. It has high performance, but it is limited to 120 instantaneous seconds at the maximum. Also, the whole Zero GPU space is very buggy right now, so it may not work because of that.
Also, if you want to run on Zero GPU space, you need to rewrite your program slightly. If it’s not broken, it’s not that difficult.

The magicanimate itself was updated about 8 months ago, I wonder if it was working in CPU space then?
I wasn’t at HF at the time, so I have no idea of those changes.
HF doesn’t have an easy-to-understand historical timeline either.:sweat_smile:

Well, if you are able to increase the performance on the regular space then please let me know :slight_smile:

CPU space is practically zero VRAM, 16GB RAM, and 50GB disk space.
I’m happy to have unlimited use, but that’s just too weak.:sweat_smile:
I’m also struggling a lot with the lack of performance in making a Flux converter, but I wonder if it’s probably just as impossible to make a video.
If this is Zero GPU space, even if GPU is not available, the basic performance is quite high, so it is probably possible to operate itself without GPU.

Well, I’ll give it a try in my spare time, but I don’t think it will be practical. So I wonder what people did in the past.
I wonder if they used all this in paid space.
Well, I’ll let you know if there are any major developments, either here or in a mentions. I feel like I probably won’t be able to…