Capture image streaming

Hi, i have trouble, need help.

I want to streaming using camera, and it will capture images every 0.5s and maximum 10 images. when I click submit button, it will pass 10 images to a function then process.

I know how to stream but don’t know how to capture image. pls help

import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import GateWayMain as gw
import mongodb as db

def checkin(im,ID):
    #### Do sth and return ID
    #ID = 16122002
    Info = db.getInfo(ID)
    if Info is None:
        greeting = 'Stranger detected !!!!'
        return np.flipud(im), greeting
        greeting =  f"Welcome back, {Info['name']} !!"

    return np.flipud(im), greeting

def checkout(im,ID):
    #ID = 16122002
    Info = db.getInfo(ID)
    if Info is None:
        greeting = 'Stranger detected !!!!'
        return np.flipud(im), greeting
        greeting =  f"Goodbye, {Info['name']} !!"

    return np.flipud(im), greeting

def regis(image_input, name_input, ID_input):
    Info = db.getInfo(ID_input)

    if Info is None:

        greeting = f'Register Successfully !!!!\nWelcome {name_input}!!!'
        return db.addMember(image_input, name_input, ID_input), greeting
        greeting =  f"Sorry, This ID [{ID_input}] already exists !!!"
        return image_input, greeting

def clear():
    return None, None,None,None

with gr.Blocks(css=".input_image { max-width: 800; max-height: none; }") as demo:
    with gr.Tab("Demo Recognition: "):
        with gr.Row():
            with gr.Column():
                img_in = gr.Image(source="webcam", streaming=True, live = True)
                text = gr.Text(placeholder="ID here")
                with gr.Row():
                    Checkin_btn = gr.Button("Check in")
                    Checkout_btn = gr.Button("Check out")
            with gr.Column():
                imgout = gr.Image()
                textout = gr.Text(), inputs = [img_in,text], outputs=[imgout,textout]), inputs = [img_in,text], outputs=[imgout,textout])

    with gr.Tab("Register: "):
            with gr.Row():
                with gr.Column():
                    image_input = gr.Image(source="webcam", streaming=True)
                    name_input = gr.Text(label="Name:")
                    ID_input = gr.Text(label="ID:")
                with gr.Column():
                    img_out = gr.Image()
                    text_out = gr.Text()

            with gr.Row():
                reg_button = gr.Button("SUBMIT")
                clear_button = gr.Button("CLEAR")
, inputs= [image_input, name_input, ID_input], outputs= [img_out,text_out]), inputs= None , outputs= [name_input, ID_input, img_out, text_out] )
