Oh, benvinguts, passeu passeu
This is the introduction thread for Catalan NLP enthusiasts. Albeit a “small” language, it has a strong internet presence, such as Viquipèdia and even some HF models! So let’s keep the wheel turning.
To get started, please introduce yourself with any of the following:
- Your name, Github, Hugging Face, and/or Twitter handle
- Some projects you are working on or interested in starting
- Any potential directions you have in mind for the Hugging Face Italian community
- Anything else you’d like to share!
My name is Pere-Lluís (@PereLluis13 | Github | Twitter), I come from Reus, hometown of Gaudí, the guy who built all the cool stuff in Barcelona but nothing in my hometown, however we still have the best vermouth.
I am currently doing a PhD at Babelscape and la Sapienza, in Rome. My work leverages NLP with Knowledge Graph related tasks such as Relation and Entity extraction, with a particular focus on Multilinguality. I also got a couple of publications during my MSc that used Huggingface, you can check them in Scholar.
I think Transformers are a given in any NLP research nowadays, and that includes Huggingface, so I am constantly using the library in my research. I am particularly interested in autoregressive models as well as interpretability.
Una abraçada