Controlling Stable Diffusion with JAX and diffusers using (v4) TPUs⚡️

Hey folks! :wave:
We are partnering with Google to organize a community event where you can build different Stable Diffusion applications with JAX & Diffusers using TPU v4 !:zap::firecracker:

You can join us in and take the role Diffusers from role-assignment.
After this, simply fill the form provided in this guide to later get access to TPUs :point_right: community-events/jax-controlnet-sprint at main · huggingface/community-events · GitHub

Some important dates:

  • 29.03. Official announcement of the community week. Make sure to fill out the [signup form].

  • 31.03. Start forming groups in #jax-diffusers-ideas channel in Discord.

  • 10.04. Receiving acceptance e-mails, starting to collect data.

  • 13.04. - 14.04. - 17.04 Kick-off event with talks on Youtube.

  • 14.04. - 17.04. Start providing access to TPUs.

  • 01.05. Shutdown access to TPUs.

  • 08.05.: Project presentations and determining the prize winners.

Here’s the link to kick-off talks on 17th of April: JAX Diffusers Community Sprint Talks: Day 3 - YouTube

Looking forward to see what you will create! :man_artist::woman_artist: