Error: Failed to load logs: Not Found. Logs are persisted for 30 days after the Space stops running

I see I’m not the first to have this problem, but I have a space that’s been stuck in a perpetual building state for several hours. I have tried restarting and also performing a factory rebuild more than 5x. I have even attempted to switch the Space Hardware from the CPU basic to CPU upgrade with no success, the Space is always showing the following error:
Error: Failed to load logs: Not Found. Logs are persisted for 30 days after the Space stops running.

I have tried duplicating the space, and it works just fine. How can I get this space working again? If it’s not possible, how can I get access to the persistent storage so that I have access to the files I have on this space’s paid persistent storage. I’d like to use those files on the other space that’s working just fine. Any help is greatly appreciated.

While keeping the console open in the web browser and clicking on Factory Rebuild, there is a 404 logged immediately for the URL of the hf api for the space. There appears to be something broken on the hf side of things with just this space. I have copied this space twice, and the copies do not have this issue.

Any support from hf is greatly appreciated.

I now have a second Space that’s in a perpetual build state with the same message: Error: Failed to load logs: Not Found. Logs are persisted for 30 days after the Space stops running. HF seems like a bad choice for trying to run Flowise.

I am also experiencing the same issue. This seems to be a reoccuring issue.

Space won’t start - logs not found - Spaces - Hugging Face Forums
Space in permanent building state, no logs - Spaces - Hugging Face Forums

It does sound like an issue on HF’s side like you said