I am currently playing around a bit with Elixir Livebooks and try to make a Kino
control to download output generated in that Livebook. However, this seems to fail in a private space:
Failed to load the widget JS module, got the following error:
error loading dynamically imported module: https://therealevnu-playground.hf.space/public/sessions/yyysb2hb2d5sl4dooh2gff42fys3prl62i6fs6v2p53cyn73/assets/3jj7uljc2ssyxy7g627axv7idu/main.js
See the browser console for more details. If running behind an authentication proxy, make sure the /public/* routes are publicly accessible.
Note the reference to public in the error message.
Is there something that I can do to resolve this, or is Livebook just not supported completely if ran in a private space? For completeness, I can trigger this problem with this code in an Elixir Livebook:
{:kino, "~> 0.12.3"}
Kino.Download.new(fn -> "hello" end)