How do I create a Image Segmentation Dataset

You have to have a DatasetDict Format with image/pixel_values and label, alternatively you can also create like this,

 |     |-image
 |          |-img_id.jpg
 |    |-mask
 |          |-mask_id.jpg

Using this you can create a dataset class and read and create a dataset dict, this format worked for me along with the model.

Yes, the guide is here:

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sweet exactly what I was looking for :star_struck::+1:t2:
Thank you @NimaBoscarino

This guide is in the docs now :slight_smile: Image Segmentation

Could you please let me know how should I prepare my dataset while I have more than 256 classes?

Hi @coder31, you should probably do it the same way as in the guide provided by @nielsr. Please let me know if you face any errors/difficulties. I would also recommend paying attention to ignore_index in the loss function because it is 255 by default and it will ignore the class with id=255 if you do not modify it.