How do I delete a duplicated space

I duplicated a Space, and it asked for an HF_Token. I didn’t fill that in, and now the space gives me an error every time I try to do something.

Is there a way to delete a space?


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How to delete a space ??? How do you delete a duplicated space ???

First you select and enter on the respective space or the space you duplicated @DataJuggler .

Then , in the upper right part of the respective page click on Settings .

Once you are here on this page, scroll all the way down the page and you will find this option -

" Delete this space " with the mention - " This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the your username/the name of the space you want to delete space repository and all its files. ‘’ .

In the empty box below , you will have to fill it in , typing in this way - “your username”/“the name of the respective space you want to delete”.

Then , to confirm , you will have to press " I understand, delete this space " example bellow .

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