
I am trying to spacerunner with help of

autotrain spacerunner --project-name demo5

INFO | 2025-01-17 15:27:03 | autotrain.trainers.generic.utils:create_dataset_repo:23 - Creating dataset repo…
INFO | 2025-01-17 15:27:04 | autotrain.trainers.generic.utils:create_dataset_repo:31 - Uploading dataset…

While pushing, it gives HTTP error :504

huggingface_hub.errors.HfHubHTTPError: 504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out for url:

What is the solution?

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It’s more likely to happen when the load is high, but uploading a model shouldn’t be that heavy, so I wonder if the server is acting up…
It’s possible to avoid this by saving the pretrained model with ‘save_pretrained’ instead of ‘push_to_hub’ and uploading it with git, etc., but you might need to raise an issue on github to get it resolved.