I am using zero gpu put the embedings isnt working

i am using zero gpu put the embedings isnt working it cant get a gpu and after some uses it says you excedded your current quota

The example below was used yesterday, but these basic usages are correct, right?
HF seems to set quota per IP, so it’s not good for ISPs or famous VPNs where many people are hanging on one IP. I often get stuck in Quota too.

If you really want to get around it quickly, maybe use a proxy? I don’t like to use a stranger’s proxy for security reasons, though.

Also, it’s better to use a separate function for only the momentary processes that really need the GPU, and put the @spaces decorator on those only.
Otherwise, you’ll end up in Quota before the important process.

import spaces

def generate_image():
    pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell",  torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16).to(device="cuda")

As a trivia note, if there is not any method with @spaces decorator in the code in Zero GPU space, it will crash.
I heard that there is a good benefit to setting true in the environment variable ZEROGPU_V2. Specifics are unknown.