I get Runtime error[AH00072] when i ran my spaces

Docker Spaces

「AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80」 cannot be resolved.

In Dockerfile, I wrote EXPOSE 8080,

In README.md, I have written app_port: 8080,

but I keep getting the same error.

What could be the cause? If anyone has any knowledge on this, please respond.

Thank you for your help.

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It’s in Japanese, but I think I’ve found a page that describes the problem. I think you can read it if you use Google Translate. Or rather, I have a feeling that you can read Japanese…

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This site is probably where I posted a similar question to the Japanese question site,
AI automatically generated answers to the questions on that site.
I read it, but did not understand it well.

I don’t know how to configure Apache in Hugging face Spaces.

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Oh, so it was an automatically generated site…
Anyway, the problem is why port 80, which you didn’t specify, is being called…
It seems that incomplete port specification can cause this to happen.

After changing the settings as described in the article you introduced, Spaces was successfully activated.

Thank you so much for your help!

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