Issue with perpetual Loading... on the space

Hi, I’ve done a bunch of factory reboots on Bear Finder - a Hugging Face Space by tomengland and I either get it stating it’s “Running” but the space just has “Loading…” and stays that way for over an hour.

===== Application Startup at 2023-04-05 17:35:10 =====

4fqcl 2023-04-05T17:36:03.972Z Caching examples at: ‘/home/user/app/gradio_cached_examples/16’
4fqcl 2023-04-05T17:36:04.316Z █

|----------------------------------------| 0.00% [0/1 00:00<?]

|████████████████████████████████████████| 100.00% [1/1 00:00<00:00]

4fqcl 2023-04-05T17:36:04.316Z
4fqcl 2023-04-05T17:36:04.316Z To create a public link, set share=True in launch().

Help please

hello @tomengland , just duplicated your Space and it seems fine

Could your please try a factory reboot again?

@radames Hmm I just clicked your copy but it just has Running and a blank screen. I’m not seeing the gradio interface. Just did a reboot and still having issues.

Ok weird… on edge work computer it’s blank but on my mac I see it! Ok let me try again.

Ok, right now the space shows it’s running but it’s screen shows Loading… is this normal? How long should I wait before it’s loaded?

it should be fast, for me your Space , DOM was ready in 512ms, then 1s then 3.3s total, I remote connection.

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Thank you so much, it worked in safari and not chrome, emptied my cache in chrome, and now the model loads pretty quickly.

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