JUST a user, not a coder, that's why I subscribed... and nothing works! Help!

Hi everyone! I’m new, I’m a video editor, I strongly rely on AI for creating my content so I’ve found HF and started using various tools (especially sad talker). but… nothing worked!
I think I might search for a tool (space?), click on it, put my images/sound/video and get the output… am I right?
Why am I always getting “Error” instead of the output? (or the service runs indefinitely)

Pls help me understanding if HF is right for me, a video editor, surely not a coder, who needs some ready-to-use AI tools!

I’ll have to cancel my subscription, otherwise!
Marco - ioVideoMaker

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His symptom is that he can barely access it via https://username-spacename.hf.space/. I’m sure the HF side would know the cause of this.
I get the impression that they made some changes and forgot to reflect them or something.

@ioVideoMaker Hi! Sorry to hear about the trouble. We can take a look into this. Can you send links to Spaces you’re having issues with? Were there any error messages in the logs by chance? Let us know :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Megana! It’s getting late here in Italy, but if you please let me instructions on what to do (eg where are the logs located), I’ll surely do tomorrow morning!
I do really see a huge potential in HF, I’d like to leverage it!!

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Today too, not a single space works reliably for me!!!
Here are just a few I tested this morning


  • I get Error both on “Reference Video” and after I press “Generate”
  • Something went wrong
  • Connection errored out.
  • worked the Nth attempt

Then I also tried ZeroGPU spaces:

(it worked once, then it started giving error messages)

(it worked once, then it started giving error messages)

Megana, I need to make it clear that I am not a programmer and that I wanted access to some services that require at most basic computer skills and coding knowledge. I can recognize where a code says, “here, put the full file path,” but I don’t want to get into details about libraries, commands, JSON, or installations…

Megana, I think I was wrong when I subscribed: I thought I could use these resources for my video creation work.

I could have accepted some failure rate, but for me, 10% is already a bothersome error rate.

Based on my first two days, the error rate here is about 95-99%.

Please help me understand if this is normal. Sadly, I think that, in this case, this service is not for me. I’m not a coder, and I’m looking for something that requires just good computer skills, not knowledge of JSON or whatever coding entails.

Let me know!

Marco - ioVideoMaker

P.S. Just in case… how do I apply for a refund?

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Hi @ioVideoMaker Thanks for providing those examples! It looks like abreza/SadTalker is the original Space and the others are duplicates of the original Space, which is why you’re getting the same error message when you try the others.

Please note that Hugging Face is not the owner of this Space and the error isn’t on HF’s end. You can reach out to the owner of the Space directly by posting in the Discussion and let them know that the Space is not working for you. It looks like a few others are having the same issue you are.

Feel free to check out our other Spaces to find one that works for your video creation work: https://huggingface.co/spaces. Please let me know if you have other questions!

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