So I have a dataset: stepkurniawan/qa-rag-llama · Datasets at Hugging Face
in that dataset, I made a couple of subsets:
- “default”,
- “Llama-2-13b-chat-hf”, and
- “Llama-2-7b-chat-hf”.
I load using : qa_dataset = load_dataset("stepkurniawan/qa-rag-llama","Llama-2-13b-chat-hf")
When I load “Llama-2-7b-chat-hf”, everything works well, however, when I try to load “Llama-2-13b-chat-hf”, it gave me the dataset of the “default” one.
And how can I fix it?
Thank you!
Update: now I changed the “Llama-2-7b-chat-hf”, the changes are seen in the Dataset Viewer, but when I do in the code
HF_HUB_QA_LLAMA = "stepkurniawan/qa-rag-llama"
qa_dataset = load_dataset(HF_HUB_QA_LLAMA, "Llama-2-7b-chat-hf")
it still get me the old dataset… I dont understand…
Update 2:
The difference is just the number of rows… Previously, they have only 3-5 rows… But after I change, everything becomes 50 rows. Does HF have rows limit ?