Looking for experts to build a SaaS as a sidehustle - sales after taxes are split 70%/30% between the participants

First of all, a big compliment for your work! I come more from the user side and am very impressed by your models and your know-how.

But who am I and what am I looking for?
My name is Nils, I am 40 years old, have a UG in Germany, have been working for IT companies for > 10 years and have long been thinking about building a SaaS web app with individual AI features as a side hustle.

Currently, countless small new companies are positioning themselves with individual applications on the web. Most of the time, these are very specific use cases, which makes sense in terms of development as well as target group definition (e.g. for placing ads, etc.). From the user perspective, I can currently have my own solution built specifically for my company needs or I have to register with X providers in order to be able to solve my needs across the individual business areas/topic areas with AI.

Therefore, I am looking for motivated experts, which you all are here, to take a new approach. You invest a lot of time in your models and you should continue to do so. My suggestion to you is to invest a small part of your time in developing a SaaS solution in order to be able to participate in the resulting sales in the long term.

Specifically, I imagine it as follows. Together we develop a one-stop solution for small and medium-sized companies that covers all the topics in the screenshot below and supports the user as much as possible through AI and automated workflows.

The SaaS solution must be so easy to use that even your grandma could use it. That is the benchmark.

Everyone invests as much time as they like and everyone is entitled to launch individual features within the SaaS solution. All sales initially flow to the UG, which is the legal entity for implementing the project. The UG bears the costs over the current financial year. At the end of the financial year, the annual financial statements are prepared and hopefully a positive result after taxes is generated. This result is divided fairly after taxes among those involved (e.g. 30% remains in the company and 70% goes to the participants). Here, different logics could be applied as to how sales from a developed feature ultimately lead to payment for the respective developer. I would like to discuss this with all interested parties, approve it and put it in writing.

Are you passionate about programming? Why not invest x% of your time in a project that, in the worst case, brings you 0 EUR and, in the best case, could bring you uncapped income every year? I would be very happy to build a SaaS with you that sets the benchmark on the market for AI-supported applications.

Step 1) Get to know each other
Step 2) Define framework
Step 3) Agree on MVP
Step 4) Build MVP
Step 5) Go to market (Are people willing to pay money?)
Step 6) Expand features and fine-tune models

If you are interested, please contact me: contact@comunia.de

Thank you for your time and I look forward to getting to know you.