When trying to push a custom keras model to huggingface hub, I received the following error:
remote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
remote: Your push was rejected because it contains binary files.
remote: Please use https://git-lfs.github.com/ to store binary files.
remote: See also: https://hf.co/docs/hub/repositories-getting-started#terminal
remote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
remote: Offending files:
remote: - variables/variables.data-00000-of-00001 (ref: refs/heads/main)
To https://huggingface.co/martin-ha/text_image_dual_encoder
I run the code in colab with following library version:
%pip install -q -U tensorflow==2.9.1 tensorflow-hub==0.12.0 tensorflow-text==2.9.0 tensorflow-addons==0.17.1 huggingface_hub==0.7.0
I read this issue but the fix does not appear to work for me. You can reproduce this error in this colab notebook. Could someone help me solve this issue? Thanks!