Remove dataset downloaded by dataset library from local computer

Hi ,
Currently I have downloaded dataset “wmt19” with python library dataset in my WSL2 Ubuntu distro but now I want to delete this dataset but I cannot find where it located.

Could somebody tell me where is the dataset locate, or did it have function for remove dataset from local.
Also I accidently delete cache data in .cache/huggingface. I’m not sure it will be any consequence here ?

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I just found that It was a problem with WSL unable to reclaim space after delete file.

Also dealing with this. Was it ever resolved?

Currently, to free up space I’m having to just run rm -rf ~/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/. Is there a better way to do this / will it cause problems?

It’s OK to run this command. Also, we plan to switch to huggingface_hub’s cache control soon to make deleting/inspecting cached artifacts easier.

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