Space won't start

So I made some code changes in my HuggingFace space today. After working for some seconds, i got the following error:

Any idea how to fix this? My space won’t restart and does not give any errors in order to see whats wrong in the logs. Thank you for your time


In many cases, the HF space is operated in a way where the main program runs as a server process and the GUI accesses it. If the server process crashes, I think that error will occur. The cause is various, but it is when you use up all the RAM, including the virtual RAM.
However, there is also the possibility of a new HF bug.

Ok. I’ll have that in mind. I will try to recreate the issue just to make sure

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Small update. I created a new space in order to test this. It worked the first time. I deleted a line of code and then it got stuck in the building process. I tried a restart and the same thing occured. No logs were provided either.


Here’s the code in the file:

from pyngrok import ngrok
import gradio as gr

def generate_response(instruction):
“”“Generates a response using your fine-tuned model.”“”
##FastLanguageModel.for_inference(model) # Enable native 2x faster inference within the function
prompt = f"“”### Instruction:
Answer the provided question with the knowledge provided to you
####### Question:
####### Answer:
return prompt

def greet(user_question):
response = generate_response(user_question)
return f"{response}!"

####### Create a Gradio interface with text input and output
gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs=“text”, outputs=“text”).launch(share=True,debug=True)

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Tunneling tool might be targeted for ban…

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So the deletion of the ngrok library from the requirements and app files solved the issue. This is suprising to me because it worked before with that. Thanks nonetheless

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