The body in spaces is only 20% of the height of the page

I created a “Train” space with docker, it installed the dependencies and now the space page is truncated to only 20% of the page height.
The space is difficult to access because it is very small compared to the rest of the page.
Looks like the log part takes up 4/5 of the space.
I tried to close the log part, click everywhere but nothing works, the body of the space page is very very small and I can hardly adjust the parameters. Does anyone have an idea about this display bug?

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It’s a strange error that I haven’t heard of in the forums, at least not in recent times.:scream_cat:
I’ve never seen an error like that when using Gradio, which is notorious for its many bugs…

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See the screenshot : (100% height of my browser)

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Hi ! @victor
the web site uses this CSS class

.min-h-dvh {
    min-height: 100dvh;

OR on can i use
i can see that the support of this CSS directive is only * 87.2%
→ not implemented in Firefox and in my Chrome Version.
As you can see into the MDN CSS documentation dvh is not yet implemented,
cf : CSS values and units
Why use this on huggingface?
It’s frustrating and wastes people’s time. In addition it gives a bad first impression of the site which seems buggy.
Is there any chance this can be fixed??

There is. Just the thing!

Or you can send a mentions to the HF staff (with the HF symbol on their profile) and they will tell you about the bug.
@ victor Like this, if you erase the space between the @ and the name, it will jump to their Notification.

thanks for your help,
i’m not sure to to understand the process.
May i notify @some_name in my message ??
I try to update my message with this tag.
thank you !

May i notify @some_name in my message ??

Just yes!
test @Raf-SNS

OK ! - Nice ! tk you !