The read operation timed out

I want to run this model through api but i get this error:
Loaded as API: LINK :check_mark:

ReadTimeout Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/httpx/_transports/ in map_httpcore_exceptions()
100 try:
→ 101 yield
102 except Exception as exc:

23 frames
ReadTimeout: The read operation timed out

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ReadTimeout Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/httpx/_transports/ in map_httpcore_exceptions()
117 message = str(exc)
→ 118 raise mapped_exc(message) from exc

ReadTimeout: The read operation timed out

with this code:
#!pip install gradio_client

from gradio_client import Client, file

client = Client(“szymanowiczs/splatter_image”)

result = client.predict(





even with hugging face pro the browser demo is insanely slow aswell

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Probably because of this server error, I think it will be fixed if I restart it now.
My space was in that state too.

I still get the error, even after re-installing gradio app. It is not my space

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Same error here.

httpx.ReadTimeout: The read operation timed out

By the way, I think the Space itself is not loading at the moment…

Hello, we are having the same issue. Our app is broken, unfortunately

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