Various feedback on site & AutoNLP

:wave: Hi!

I just setup an account with HF to give the AutoNLP system a try. I experienced a (longer then expected) list of issues when doing so. Hopefully they are isolated issues, but I documented them and thought i’d let you know regardless.

  • While creating my account, the verification email took about one hour to arrive.
  • While trying to login without a verified email, the error page lacks HF branding or consistent site identify. IMO this looks unprofessional.
  • When I did get my email and was able to login into my account, I went straight to the AutoNLP subsite.
  • The upper left icon is missing (see screenshot).
  • I created a new project, and uploaded a dataset. When I progressed to the training section, the training failed without any debugging message (was there an issue with my data? is it an internal AutoNLP issue? Is the NLP gods not accepting my data?)
  • I deleted the project (because I didn’t see any other option) and created a new one. My second project is now informing me i’ll need to pay. I’m aware you kindly offer one free project, but since my initial project failed it seems reasonable to roll it over to the next project.

I don’t want to be a harbinger of bad news, and i’m aware AutoNLP is in beta. So I thought i’d reach out and hopefully i’ll get to try out AutoNLP properly someday and see the awesomeness of it.