Build error with "hello world" Gradio example (logs don't contain an obvious error)

Hi all,

I’m getting a build error with the following logs for this space: Hello World Again - a Hugging Face Space by kristyc

Build error
build failed with exit code: 1, message: None

--> FROM

--> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git-lfs
DONE 13.1s

--> RUN git lfs install
DONE 0.2s

--> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y         ffmpeg         libsm6         libxext6         cmake         libgl1-mesa-glx
DONE 24.2s

Not sure if this is a coincidence, but this seemed to start happening to my spaces after I changed my account username. I initially saw it for one of my private spaces and wasn’t sure if it was related to something specific in that demo, so I created this more simple example to verify.

I have tried a factory reboot. Please let me know if anyone has any thoughts on how else to troubleshoot this. Happy to provide more details if needed. Thanks!

I think I have the same issue too. But I have no build logs for my spaces. I tried to replicate my old space with no change in code, still it failed in building and gives no log. I suppose is this a HuggingFace issue caused by the increase in traffic to the site?

Sometimes my logs are completely empty as well. The example I pasted above is intermittent after a factory reboot.

Yeah, mine too. But in my case the factory reset doesn’t helped me much.

Huh luckily it’s only an Issue that came up some hours, ago. At first i tought it was me making real bad python code.
I’ve got the same issue, Build failed and still fails with no logs, even when I revert the code.

I guess it’s good to hear it’s not just me. Sounds like the fact that it happened after I changed my account username is just a coincidence.

Update to share. My spaces are still not building, but I am seeing more logs now: Hello World Again - a Hugging Face Space by kristyc

Seems to failing at the push image step due to an internal error. Snippet:

--> Pushing image
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
retrying in 1s
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
retrying in 1s
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
retrying in 1s
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
retrying in 4s
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
retrying in 4s
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
error: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

--> ERROR: unexpected status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

All my spaces are now up and running. I don’t know the root cause, but looks like an issue (possibly transient) with down internal dependencies.

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There was an issue with the internal build system unrelated to spaces specs/code. Issue is solved now


it must be back

It should be back to normal now. Apologies for the interruption