Chatty like app

Hi guys, I am completely new to the NLP universe and am teaching myself as I go. I am trying to build a NLP powered chatbot that is designed to be an ‘emotional’ companion or friend of sorts. Similar to huggingface’s Chatty app or Luka’s Replika app. Right now, I’m thinking of using GPT-2 and fine tuning it on various corpuses.

My questions are:

  • for what i’m trying to build, is this the most effective approach?
  • What tech/models were used in huggingface’s Chatty app?

Thanks in advance!

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If you read the paper I’m Replika, They stated that they trained the model using GPT 2 on hugging face and then basically transferred it to GPT 3.
If you look up the paper you’ll even see data sets they use.

Like me you should probably read up a little on the flow of just basics before getting into the end game of what you want I’m the same way. Trust me it’s a lot easier if you do that. Also the paper is more like a power plant which makes it easy. I think you could find a lot and I get home for luca