What are they used for?? Should I put there email and username I’m using for huggingface or github??
Also I trained a model using Trainer with push_to_hub=True without running these lines only logging through notebook_login() and new repsitory was created but nothing was pushed to it. Was not running these lines the reason?
Those lines just set up your git identity (see Git - First-Time Git Setup), but I don’t think that you need to run them, since huggingface_hub should handle it. As long as you use notebook_login() you should be fine.
It’s strange that the model wasn’t uploaded! Did it show any errors? Or did the training seem to complete successfully with no errors at all?
That’s really weird! If the training doesn’t take too long, do you mind running the training again? And if you have a notebook on Google Colab, could you share a link to it? That way I can inspect it, unless you’d rather not publish it. Hopefully it was a temporary hiccup.