Error in downloading private dataset

And I’m the admin of the group so I don’t need a permission.
But I have a trouble with accessing a private dataset. What should I do?

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Try like this.

dataset = load_dataset("author/dataset", token=access_token)
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Thanks, but same issue again, When I changed it to public dataset, I can load dataset,
And I also have checked my tokens settings when I used dataset as private.

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It seems that the fact that it can be loaded if it is public means that it is not a problem with the library version, so it is strange…:thinking: Only the token is not being passed correctly.
It seems that there have been similar cases in the past.
There have been a lot of questions about authentication in the past few days, so there may be a bug on the HF side.

:smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:oh…okay thanks for your help

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