Impossible to delete lfs files


we are getting memory issues in the space so I was told that we could try to delete some commits or squash them. However this is impossible to complete both:

  1. from the HuggingFace Hub

from huggingface_hub import HfApi

api = HfApi()
api.super_squash_history(repo_id=repo_id, token=token)

HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
  1. From the UI of the settings page of the HuggingFace space, when trying to delete manually some commits:

Though I am not entering any name in the panel.

Please I need some help here to solve this issue. We have an Enterprise account.



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Hi Rosa,

I understand the frustration with running into memory issues and being unable to squash or delete commits. Let me help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

The error 404 Client Error: Not Found suggests that the feature might not be available for the repository you’re trying to modify. Currently, the super_squash_history API is limited to certain repository types or requires specific permissions.
Ensure the following:

  • The repo_id you’re passing is correct. For example, it should be in the format organization/repo_name.
  • Your token has write access to the repository.
  • The repository type (model, dataset, or space) supports the super_squash_history API.

If all the above are correct and the error persists, this feature might not be supported for your repo type (e.g., Spaces). You could contact Hugging Face support directly via your Enterprise account for clarification.

If squashing or deleting commits is not working, you could consider the following:

  • Clone and re-push the repository: Clone the repository, delete unnecessary files locally, and force-push a cleaned history to the main branch. For example:
    git clone --depth=1
    cd your_repo
    # Remove unnecessary files
    rm -rf large_files_or_history
    git commit -am "Cleaned history"
    git push --force
    Be cautious when force-pushing as it will overwrite the repository’s history.

I hope this helps resolve the issue.


Hi Alan,

Many thanks for your response. From the first option with the python API I do not know how to check if the space (it is a space, not a model nor a dataset) supports the super_squash_history as you suggested. All I know is that calling the function from the api for some reason is assuming that it is a model.

I tried the second action you suggested and it worked. Besides I managed to get working the UI of HuggingFace to delete the bit commit files.

Now updating/cleaning/polishing the repo to see if I can bring it up live again :muscle:

Many thanks,


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