Space stuck at building / preparing


I had a space running fine before, but then it stuck at building for two months. I tried to factory reset and duplicate it; the duplication works fine. Last night, when I made a commit to the duplicated repo, it stuck at the building again. Has anyone seen the same?

Here’s the repo link:
Duplicated one:

Original one: Map It Anywhere (MIA): Empowering Bird’s Eye View Mapping using Large-scale Public Data - a Hugging Face Space by mapitanywhere

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There was a period, I think it was between two months ago and about a month ago, when the HF build was very unstable. It’s mostly resolved now.

But maybe it’s not completely resolved.
I just duplicated it now and it works in my environment even though I didn’t change anything.

If your changes had failed, it would just stop with an error or the demo would not work as expected, but the phenomenon of it staying stopped without error during the build is inherently strange.
I suspect an HF error.

Yea, if you trigger a rebuild or just commit something, the environment breaks - either stopped at build queued or preparing space. Is there any way to contact Space support staff?

I see, there must be some intricate specification problem, or perhaps a dependency entry error or something…

Is there any way to contact Space support staff?

It is most appropriate to open a Discussion. It will reach the author’s Notifications screen so the author can easily notice it. If you are in a hurry, you can send a mention with @+username.

We are the authors and I have confirmed that the docker runs locally. So I’m just wondering what could possibly be the problem

Oh, sorry, I completely misunderstood. :sweat_smile:
I often have trouble knowing who the space’s support staff is, too.
If it’s a problem with the Zero GPU space, there’s a Zero GPU space community where I can report it…
@not-lain , do you know anything about this?

It was boring to just wait for the HF space staff, so I made two commits that made no sense, but both builds and startups were successful.

Among the Spaces malfunctions of the past few months, there was one case where a space remained stuck even after rebuilding and renaming, but it worked when the source code was ported to a newly created space.
However, at that time, Duplicate did not work. This time, it works even though it is Duplicate.
At that time, I suspected related data such as commit history of git, but there might be more fundamental problem.


Then I did this commit and it got stuck in the build state. I no longer understand what it means.

I successfully ran Spaces based on the source with the same changes as above. The only thing that changed was the line feed code, but that is probably irrelevant this time.

The reason why the newline code was changed is that my environment is Windows, and when I downloaded the source from git, it was converted from LF to CRLF.
Only .sh gave me an error, so I had to convert it back to LF in a text editor.