So I have created four model repositories. I have followed the same steps for each one.
Create model repository HF website
Login to HF Hub from terminal on server
Clone repository to my server.
Enable large files
Create quant with final destination the local clone of repository
git add
git commit
git push
Worked flawlessly twice
Third one gives me
remote: Your push was rejected because it contains files larger than 10 MiB.
remote: Please use https://git-lfs.github.com/ to store large files.
remote: See also: https://hf.co/docs/hub/repositories-getting-started#terminal
remote: Offending files:
remote: - tokenizer.json (ref: refs/heads/main)
remote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
To <my HF https repository URL>
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to <my HF https repository URL>
I created a fourth repository and made a quant for another model and went through the steps to make sure I wasn’t crazy. The fourth one worked like a champ.
I have tried.
-Delete repository on HF and create a new one with a different name. Clone to local server and copy all the files to the new destination. - Same issue
- Try to commit a different 10MB+ file - they all fail. Files less than 10MB are fine
And yes I am doing
git lfs install
and also
huggingface-cli lfs-enable-largefiles .
Thanks in advance!