Welcome to this special showcase of community content of the week . Where we share community-made tutorials, articles, videos, models, and spaces demos as well as some top picks!
If there is anything we forgot, feel free to add it in a comment.
NLP and Language 
Interpretable_Text_Classification_And_Clustering by Allen Roush
Tutorial: Setting up a Text Summarisation Project by @marshmellow77
Healthsea project presentation by @HenryAI
Healthsea: an end-to-end spaCy pipeline for exploring health supplement effects
Analyzing SEC filings with Transformers for fun and profit by @juliensimon
ByT5 Dutch OCR Corrector
by ML6 Team
Universal Dependencies v2.5 Benchmarks for spaCy by Adriane Boyd
Talking counterfactual #4: BIG SCIENCEβs T0pp by @JoeFr
Endless AWSW test run!
by The Emerald Show
CV and Images 
3D Image Inpainting by @Epoching
Perceiver IO: a scalable, fully-attentional model that works on any modality
IceApp - Fridge Object detection by @dnth
Fire and smoke detector by @durgaamma2005
ImageGPT Completion by @nielsr
Sartorius Cell Instance Segmentation by @rashmi
Chest Anomaly Identifier by Pablo Reyes
Audio and Speech 
ML for Audio Study Group - Kick Off
ML for Audio Study Group - Intro to Audio and ASR Deep Dive
Voice Authentication with UniSpeech-SAT + X-Vectors by Microsoft
Reinforcement Learning 
On the potential of Transformers in Reinforcement Learning by Lorenzo Pieri
to our amazing creators and happy holidays!
And if you would like to join our community of creators, we would love to meet you in our Discord server