Community content of the week (02/03/2022)

Welcome to this showcase of community content of the week :partying_face: . Where we share community-made tutorials, articles, videos, models, and spaces demos as well as our top picks :1st_place_medal: !

Don’t forget to join our discord server to obtain the Content Creator Badge :trophy:

If there is anything we forgot, feel free to add it in a comment .

:clapper: Video
:scroll: Article/Tutorial
:robot: Model
:oil_drum: Dataset
:floppy_disk: Demo

And if you missed the former ones:
Content of the week (01/27/2022) <<< >>> Content of the week (02/10/2022)

Deep Reinforcement Learning :joystick:

:robot:Ant Bullet trained agent :ant:

:robot:Lunar-Lander-v2 trained agent :rocket:

:robot:Bipedal Walker trained agent :mechanical_leg: by @mrm8488

:robot: :moneybag: Announcing the ALA-Cogment Challenge at AAMAS 2022! Cogment is an open-source platform for novel multi-agent, multi-method (RL, IL, etc.) human-AI teaming on sequential decision-making in simulated or real environments. The ALA-Cogment Challenge is for researchers who want to use Cogment in their submissions to the ALA (Adaptive and Learning Agents) Workshop at this year’s AAMAS conference with a total prize pool of C$10,000

CV and Images :framed_picture:

:floppy_disk:Augmenting Convolutional networks with attention-based aggregation demo on Keras :eyes:

:oil_drum:Filtered WIT, an Image-Text Dataset.

:oil_drum:RedCaps is a large-scale dataset of 12M image-text pairs collected from Reddit.

:scroll:ViLT (Vision and Language Transformer) demo by @nielsr

:floppy_disk:Augmenting Convolutional networks with attention-based aggregation demo on Keras :eyes:

:scroll:Using CV classification for solving insect pests :bug:

:robot:VQA: combine vision and language by @nielsr

:robot:Which actor or actress looks like you?

Audio and Speech :loud_sound:

:scroll:Making automatic speech recognition work on large files with Wav2Vec2 in :hugs: Transformers by @Narsil

:oil_drum:Common Voice Corpus 7.0 by Mozilla Foundation :fox_face:

:oil_drum:Common Voice Corpus 8.0 by Mozilla Foundation :fox_face:

:scroll:Tutorial: Making automatic speech recognition work on large files with Wav2Vec2 in :hugs: Transformers by @Narsil

:clapper:Tutorial: Ask questions on your tabular data with your voice using Hugging Face and Gradio

:robot:Voice Activity Detection :speaking_head:

NLP and Language :books:

:scroll: Tutorial: Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis using Python

:robot:Navigate long annual reports :books: by using Machine learning to answer your questions :question: by @samarthagarwal23

:robot:HF-BERTopic A front end for BERTopic

:scroll:Official Keras Example: Question Answering with Hugging Face Transformers by Keras

:clapper:Implement the GPT2 model from scratch :hugs: by midlyoverfitted

:scroll:Tutorial: How to train your CLIP

:scroll:Tutorial: Predicting Genre with Machine Learning

:robot:Navigate long annual reports :books: by using Machine learning to answer your questions :question:

:robot:QA answering from a pdf. by @ThePixOne

:robot:RE:Belle. Building Beautiful Knowledge Graphs With REBEL

:oil_drum:Japanese GPT 1.3B with parameters


:scroll:Tips & Tricks, Using private models in your public ML demos by @osanseviero

:scroll:How to Share TensorBoard Metrics on the :hugs: Hub by @nateraw

:clapper: The Hugging Face Spaces Spotlight Show by @nateraw

:scroll: Distributed training on multilingual BERT with Hugging Face Transformers & Amazon SageMaker by @philschmid

:scroll: Supercharged Searching on the Hugging Face Hub

:hugging_face: to our amazing creators

:hugs: And if you would like to join our community of creators, we would love to meet you in our Discord server